deutsch 28


You have questions, suggestions, or interest in our products and services? For fast and easy contacting our contact form is at your disposal. Of course you can reach us by phone, mail or fax. You can read here all required information for contacting.


Postal address

hightech ceram GmbH
Gewerbepark 11
96528 Frankenblick


Tel.: +49 2449 911003
Fax: +49 2449 911005
E-Mail: info [ät]


Contact form

To send a message to us, please fill in the form below and press “send”. Make sure to fill in the fields marked with an asterix (*) in order to send your message successfully.

I took note of the data privacy statement. I agree that my information and data will be electronically collected and stored for answering my inquiry.

Note: You can withdraw your acceptance for the future at any time by email to info[at]

Please enter the safety code, in order to prove that you are not a robot.
